Thursday, November 3, 2011


There’s a real sour feeling out there. I believe it is because we have all started to open our eyes. I watched a video on You Tube last week called “Death of the Middle Class”, and realized this lecture was for real.  The video isn’t snazzy, more like a Tuesday morning class during your third year in college. The message, however, is all to real. We are screwed.
                We in the middle class work hard our entire life; without a trust fund, a pre-approve credit line, or anything else that could get both feet in the door.  We only have ourselves to rely on.  We try to donate our money. We have the opportunity of course to become filthy rich, but most of us opt out of that vulturous lifestyle. You see, to us, life is bigger than that, and someone, up on the top, has figured that out.                    
                We could have a stabilized economy but we left the wrong people in charge. These snakes have infiltrated your media, government, and wallet. Things just keep getting more expensive but the product doesn’t get any better. It’s so wrong it hurts. These people on top blame the poor but they are the ones who made them that way.  They say that they’re taking advantage of the welfare system. Really? The same system that pays out less than you or I could ever live off, while the wealthy commit fraud that cost us billions of dollars.
                What is a billion dollars? It’s more than anyone of us would ever know what to do with. If you took every billionaire and took away their billions until they only had one billion dollars each, then they’d still be a fucking billionaire, and this country could pay our bills. People are dying. They don’t care. People are sick. They don’t care. We are going through an economic meltdown and they are just keep getting richer.
                One in five children in the greatest nation are in poverty. Meaning they don’t eat. Meaning they don’t go to school with a full stomach. Meaning they don’t pass their classes and go on to become better citizens. This is a problem.  If you live in a gated community, the world must look wonderful, but since you are only a millionth of the population, your outlook is nothing like the average man.  The average man needs to do something.            
                We all have our ways of escapism, but eventually we won’t be able to dodge the bullet anymore. For every fare hike and oil bump, someone is making a profit, and little by little, pinching every penny out of our pocket. Us in the middle class are reasonable and rational, but sometimes we let Big Brother manipulate our thoughts. We are the ones  making these people richer. We are the ones who vote for these people.  We have the chance to make a difference, unless, you just want to be stuck in the middle of it all.

1 comment:

  1. Undeniable -- all of it. But i have to ask; Do we blame the snake for being an apt hunter, or do we blame nature for allowing the creature to have evolved?

    I don't blame the rich, or the poor, or anyone for that matter -- i think we came along the only way we knew how, the way we survived, and all along the way decisions were made that were paved with good intentions, for the time.

    Things have merely gotten out of whack, and those decisions no longer make sense...

    This all would be easy to fix, without all the smoke and mirrors of our overly complicated system. Now I'm left to wonder whether or not it's all going to crumble before we change -- which will than be nary-impossible -- or if we we'll manage a Hail-Mary and save the day before it all falls apart.
