Friday, November 4, 2011

"The 2012 Election and High School Drama"

                  Welcome to United High School. In a city so full of secondary education, United stands as the top dog of them all. It doesn’t have the most students in the area, but the healthy 3000 plus who go here have always managed to succeed. The problem with United, however, lies within its rich diversity. From the kids who live in the well off neighborhoods to the kids who are bussed in from the projects, this high school has a vast array of opinions and insights, especially, when it comes to electing their class president.
                Unlike other schools in the area, United has allowed anyone from a freshman to a senior to become class president. Last year in fact, they elected a sophomore named Billy O’meara to head their  student body. Billy was the captain of the debate team with especially strong speaking skills. He was young, intelligent, and full of charisma. The students loved him; however, there was a strong opposition against him. Now, only in his junior year, Billy was allowed to  run again, and he was looking forward  to retaining his presidency. What he didn’t know is what he was up against.
                After a surprise victory by Billy last year, a few of the students were coming up with a strategy to get rid of him. The truth was that he had done much for his school. He made sure everyone had free lunch and even got the school’s most notorious bully expelled, although he didn’t do many things he had promised.  The fact was Billy wasn’t really part of the popular crowd. He wasn’t on the football team, he wasn’t a cheerleader, or part of the very infamous Prayer Club that was always passing out flyers to join them. He had just won over everyone from the stoners to the math nerds  to the Filipeno culture society to the marching band. His opposition wasn’t impressed that he represented the whole school instead of their needs.
                There were many students vying to run against him. Ricky, the football team’s quarterback thought he had a pretty good shot. After all, he had won them the state championship last year (even though really it was the team’s impenetrable defense that had allowed only 2 touch downs the whole season.)  Matt, voted best looking by his classmates, knew he could win his peers over with only his dazzling smile. Shelly was captain of the cheerleading team and head of the Prayer club. Her simple purity was perfect and she had God on her side. However, the cocky, Harry Cain, was pulling in the lead, with his plan to cut ninety cents off weekly lunch cards.
                Billy was good at raising money for his election. He would go door to door and sell candy. He wasn’t rich like the kids he was running against, and once their parents started dipping into their pockets, he would need a better strategy. In the meantime, the school was starting to fall apart, and everybody thought it was Billy’s fault. He tried to argue that it was starting get this way even before he attended the school. His opposition would make sure that the students would point the fingers at Billy.
                Most of the other students didn’t care about all the bickering; they just wanted something to be done about it. They liked Billy, but needed him to make a better effort. The other candidates just told their classmates that they were the only ones who could fix it, whether they had a clue or not. Two new clubs were started because of all the issues.  One just wanted Billy out, the other just wanted the school to be a better place where the elite didn’t just bully everyone and steal their lunch money.  No one knows what going to happen at United High but it’s a good thing we graduate at some point. High school can be so full of drama.

1 comment:

  1. Good post man, I'll be dropping by more often. Seems to me like there's a bunch of nonsense going on about a title in this school -- but who's going to be the one to make things better? Guess i got to wait till the next election...
