Thursday, November 10, 2011

Angry America: My First Blog

                        Welcome to the land of opportunity, the envy of the rest of the world, or at least that’s the way they used to look at us.  In our defense, we still have control of this planet. Maybe that is why we need to start changing who we are, rather than trying to imperialize other countries with our unorganized ideas. We sit on our asses watching Jersey Shore, oblivious to whats going on, and now complain that our leaders aren’t doing their jobs.  Maybe we should have been paying a little more attention the whole time.
                       Now we live in an Angry America where we believe there’s only two points of view. The reality is that it’s a bit more complicated than that. Maybe too complicated. We argue on both sides about social issues like abortion and gay marriage, while ignoring the actual things that are key to our survival as a nation. The sad part is that as mad as we are, most of us are to apathetic to do anything about it.  I guess that’s a perfect set of curtains to blind us from what’s really going on.
                        Let’s face it, while we argue with each other, many people are getting rich on your ignorance.  This includes our elected officials. While the salary for a congressman is $174,000, more than 50% of them are millionaires. And why not? When you affect the policies, then in turn you affect Wall street. This being said, you could find another thousand wrong doings of government and corporations, but most of us are more in tuned with Angelina Jolie  and Brad Pitt.
                      It may seem like we can’t do anything about anything but we can. Our first priority is to take our fingers and turn them away from others and point them at ourselves. Watch one less show a night and spend that time reading into what’s going on in your country. Until you do that, then we can’t be angry.

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