Tuesday, December 6, 2011


At the end of 2011, the unemployment rate has dropped 1% and it seems as though our economy is trying to make an incline towards recovery, but we are still knee deep in a recession. The Republican debates have taught us a lot about about the people that are trying to become our president, and most of them feel that we are simply not trying hard enough to get jobs. In the field of candidates are politicians coming up with a tax plan that would kill the middle class, governors who are already multimillionaires, and Ayn Rand fans who believe we should fend for ourselves. But has any one of these great solicitors actually came down to the ground that us average folk live on and taken a look at the legitimate problems we face? Probably not.

The Republicans are not solely to blame as their are many Democrats in Congress who are still making tons of money off lobbyist who fight for corporations. The solution, as they see it, would be to end the minimum wage. Why are we paying that whopping $7.15 an hour when, as they say, we could create millions of jobs by eliminating it. Just think, if we took away that regulation, we could have millions of people with jobs working for Wal-Mart's sweat shops for $4 an hour, and then our economy would be out of the hole and the unemployment rate would drop immensely.

I, for one, continue to think that this is complete bull shit. Has anyone every tried to live on minimum wage? Well, if you have, then you are probably still living in your parent's basement. The truth is that the minimum wage should be increased, by a lot, and if these companies can't afford that then should probably think about decreasing their 25 million dollar bonus at the end of the year.

We are the consumers. We buy, buy, buy, even though we can't afford it. Why? Because these companies sell, sell, sell their products through mass marketing and advertising. We are the people who make the capitalst regime survive. Why? Because we buy products we don't need. Only problem is that we must assimilate to our society even to keep up with our nation and our job market.

There is a reason, however, on why we do this. Let's just think that you don't have a cell phone or computer and you need to find a job. The odds are that it's going to be pretty hard to keep your occupational search alive. We are nation driven by anomie. This is a condition in which when technology moves so fast, that we in turn fall behind due to the fact that we can't afford the product that is owned by our job competitors. This lack of device makes us weak to the employers trying to hire us.

In 2011, during the Occupy Wall Street's first month of movements, many haters knocked the protesters for actually using technology to push their message while other knocked them for being too subservient to grassroots methods such as word of mouth and passing out fliers.  The hypocrisy was easy to establish as holds true in the job market as well.

When people we're saying, "get a job, hippy", many of these "hippies" were saying, "That's exactly what we are trying to do." They were told to go to college and get degrees so they could better jobs in their future. Many of them were left disappointed by abysmal employment oppurtunities and huge student loans. Many had the idea that the better university you attended (and more expensive) that your chances would increase. They thought that their liberal arts and social worker degrees would land them in the job that they intended (while not making them grand money) and later discovered that most of these opportunites had been cut due to lack of funding. It seems as though the only degree you can get in these days in order to have any sort of chance is a business degree.


How many people do we actually need to be equipped with financial knowledge? What about teachers who educate our children? Funds cut. Jobs eliminated. What about social workers who deal with our elderly, homeless, disabled, and our foster children? Funds cut. Jobs eliminated. It seems as though they are only trying to create two types of jobs in this country. One for the well off banker and the second for the slave worker. That is a sad but true observation for the future of this country.

They can blame it on the unions who continuously try to fight for the worker. They are driving up the price and now the companies NEED to ship their jobs to other countries who don't practice labor laws. Yes, this is their answer to their problem: "Sorry, we can't continue to hire people in the United States if you; A. Want to get compensated for your hours. B. Don't want to die or be injured while working. C. Want to work for average rate that is below the poverty level for our country D. Doesn't allow sick days, vacation, time off, or anything else that would prohibit you from working at our standard 6 days a week, 12 hours a day for $4 dollars an hour." And most importantly, " If we can not sustain our ridicusiosly rich level of living; our 4 houses, our 3 yachts, and our billions of dollars in savings, then we can't afford to do this, and we will have to sell the company, and take our more-than-worth it compensation else where."

Yes, that is why we don't have jobs in our country. Americans who made more than you could ever imagine can't afford to dwindle their money down to create fair and reasonable jobs for the people who used to be their neighbors. China is winning and our companies are getting rich because of them. Karl Marx who was the original Communist, said that capitalism would lead to greed and depression. So i guess, China isn't really a communist country, they just have figured how to use their population. The corporate United States is actually trying to mirror those same philosphies.

And here you thought you lived in Democracy and I was some sort of Socialist Communist. Most of us want a real form of Democracy in this country but we are being drafted into the Army of Pawns. We are just as bad as they are and it isn't because of the liberals or Obama. He just plays the game with all the other politicians avoiding the "Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. Go Directly to jail" sign that we hold up everyday.

All I can say to them is: "Get a job, loser."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Homophobia in 2011? Really?

Today, on National AIDS Awareness Day, I'd like to put out a little public service address that probably won't ever reiterate down  to the people that really need to hear it. We as a nation have seen the scars of the civil rights movement that took too long to happen, and women's sovereignty, which took until the 1920's for voting privileges for females  to take place. Now in they year 2011, we still face many great problems in defending our people's individual rights.

Here, in New York City, it isn't fully accepted but more people are pretty much okay with the idea. In some parts of the country, they still haven't figured it out. Guess what? Some human being are born left handed and some are born with an genetic gene for baldness, and some are BORN GAY. Yep, they didn't just decide one day to be a homosexual. Did they get to choose to go through life with peers who thought they were weird and bullies who beat the shit out of them? No, if we had that option we'd all choose to rich, white, straight men to avoid all the ridicule.

I'm not really sure whats going down in the Bible Belt or the areas of this country where the Tea Party is taking over, but it seems as though there are a lot of Americans who still hold a ton of hatred in their blood. Call me a liberal, but isn't now the time to move forward. It's makes me sad to think that more than 50% of our nations citizens still believes in these ideologies that we call Christian or religious. This is one more reason why we are falling to the back of the pack. Instead of worrying about real actual problems we are focused on minuscule subjects such as these matters. It's almost as though we don't want to move along.

In the past couple of years I have read articles where scientists believe it is genetics that cause are sexuality. I have heard testimonials of children who were raised by gay parents and turned our better than most other kids. We have seen gays and lesbians become our elected officials and role models. We have seen our people in more liberal areas accept teenagers admitting that they are attracted to the same sex, and seen parents accept them for who they are.

Many great success stories have been made, but we still have these acts of predjudice happening every day. Where parents teach their children that homosexuality is a sin and these students go on the beat up their classmates, or worse, cause them to take their own life. We have preachers and politicians who further spread this hate, and act upon it in legislation. How do you expect our younger generation to act when their leaders are teaching them these so-called facts?

While it is easier for someone to come out of the closet in today's age, their are still many scared individuals who keep their secret hidden. Our soldiers who fight for our country, our teachers who educate our children, and all the others who are afraid to lose the careers they love, because of who they love.

We are a country who has been taught to live in fear. It looms over our head every single day. While our leaders don't seem to afraid of a great economic black hole they continue the spread the message that homosexuality will some how spread like a disease. I'd like to tell them that it doesn't work that way. Go read a Goddamn book, and stop picking out lines that work for your cause. If we wanted to we could pick out some passages where God taught us to love all men, no matter who they are born as.