Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Christmas in July

                  It’s one week before Halloween and I already start noticing the ads being placed on the TV and in the newspapers. Literally, people still have their houses decorated with ghosts and cob webs and Santa Clause is already crashing the party. Now, in mid-November, we are on a rampage of Holiday ads and the elves are everywhere. The question I have is, where will this all stop?
                When I was a kid we put up the tree on December 1st and that’s when it all would start. Mind you, we were a Christmas loving family and a little pre-mediated with our festive joys. Back in the day, people wouldn’t even decorate until two days before Christmas. I understand that we really need to boost the economy, but this is really a big turn-off. In fact, in my family, we stopped giving presents last year. It was the most stress-free holiday season I’ve ever experienced. If I really wanted to get someone a gift I could just make it for them.            
Now you might say that this act is just slowing down the economy, but maybe we need to do a little mathematics before we make this assumption. First off, yes, we aren’t buying any products, which means we are hurting the capitalist regime, and in turn, many families. But, you must be reminded that if we didn’t force ourselves to spend thousands of dollars on presents for people we didn’t even know, then we might have a little cash left in our pockets when December was over.
                Now I know your once removed second-cousin deserves that Elmo you bought their baby, or that you deserve that ugly scarf that your great-aunt Lola got for you, but is it all really worth it? Is this really what Christmas is all about? I love all the semantics that go along with the holiday but it’s getting over-done. Haven’t we seen every possible Kris Kringle movie, or elf tale, or reindeer novel that was written? Santa is rolling over in his grave, and Jesus is pretty sick of it too.
                Before you know it, we will be advertising during the summer and putting up Christmas lights for Memorial Day. Just remember that we still celebrate this occasion for one reason and one reason only. A man (or son of man) was born on this day (or somewhere around there),and he preached about giving to others (especially the poor). We shouldn’t have to go broke during December to show our love for the people who surround us. We don’t need material objects to prove our grace towards each other. All we need to know is that Christmas doesn’t start in July.

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