Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Legal (But Unethical) Take Down of Zuccotti Park : OWS

                It's two days before the two month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, and Zuccotti Park is at rest with many missions ahead of them. What they didn’t know was that night they were about to get raided by the NYPD. While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads, roughly 1000 police officers in riot gear stormed their quiet protest. Mayor Bloomberg “allowed” them to stay there, only once threatening to take over the park due to sanitary reason. On this midnight, however, they were woken to pepper spray and blinding lights, and told to leave immediately. Unwilling to put up a violent fight, they bound to each other and peacefully resisted. They lost the fight that night.
                What took them close to sixty days to build was quickly destroyed. City council men were arrested along with six certified journalists. Some people say there were more cops on this night than there were during the blackout; all because 400 people were sleeping inside a park. The mayor had successfully ended the movement. Or at least so he thought.
                 He never wanted any part of this occupation. Lets face it, the whole mission was aimed at him. Many people in the protest attempted to make good by not ever using his name; even though he was inherently the symbol of the 1%. Apparently, Mr. Bloomberg showed up at one of his nightly gatherings and found out his friends weren’t so sympathetic of this growing movement. As mayor, he wanted to make his citizens happy and let them continue on in public favor. As a businessman, he knew these people were going to eventually start to cause some trouble. What side do you think he chose to listen to?
                As two months have passed, most of the country is still scratching their head to figure out what Occupy Wall Street is all about. It has stretched throughout the nation and even spread into many other countries, but the general public still is indecisive on the message.  They know it has something to do with corporate greed and Wall Street corruption. They know it relates to free trade and equality, and something about the 99% being mastered by the 1. Yet they still want to know, what is it you people are trying to say?
                What they are saying is that we are all blind. That is the message. Right now, there is a Super Committee that is made up of six Republican and six Democrats. They have been meeting on a regular basis for a half a year now. In their latest conference, they came out of in a heated debate, deciding to end their discussion. These are our elected officials, including one man who almost became our president, who don’t know what they center point is. In two months, the Occupy movement has actually made more change than the government has done in the last ten years.  And, apparently, you don’t give two shits.
                I wrote a blog three months ago about how people need to start waking up and stop being so apathetic. I thought things were about to start changing. Yeah, there are a lot of people who have taken their heads out of their asses but we continue to not care. In a world of attention deficit disorder we remain oblivious as ever. It turns out that the power-that-be had a pretty good plan. Let it run its course for a few and then slowly diminish it . Guess what? It worked.
                It turns out that we are that easily manipulated. I don’t want to come off as condescending, but I will. Hundreds of thousands of human beings marched the streets, slept in parks, and got themselves arrested to change the evil of the society we live in. We watched for little while and then we became bored. It’s hard to fault us. We can’t just go quit our job and camp out in the park. That would make us nuts. But thanks to the ones who did, some family has opened their eyes and sees the danger that is lurking on us every single day.
                On the eve of a huge protest tomorrow, I imagine that some of our citizens will be annoyed by the huge crowds that block their traffic, or the loud chanting that disturbs their morning jog. This could be last time our generation is permitted to sleep in parks, and if we let them, this may be our last time to speak our voice. In the end we don’t necessarily need to occupy anything to make our message heard, we just need to clear our throats and let a little air out.

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