Tuesday, January 24, 2012

WE... (are the United States of America)

So, finally the POTUS (also known as the President of the United States), gave his third State of the Union Address. In an unexpected move, he gave prominence to the populous movement that surrounds him. He covered all the topics on the line: health care, job creation, and anything else far and in between. I personally think he gave a great speech. I also think Mr. Barack Obama is one of the best speakers we have ever witnessed; this is what got him elected in the first place.

Some of us who follow politics predicted this type of conversation with the American people. WE knew that the over whelming number of petitions signed in the last several months could change the thought of our elected officials (and the ones trying to campaign for our vote.) The truth is that WE made the President say what he said tonight. With every signature we sign to say that we demand change, WE send a message to Washington.

WE didn't want a dirty pipeline running through over 1000 rivers that we use as drinking water. WE didn't want our government to have control of the content that we control on the internet. WE do not want huge corporations to have influence over our elected officials and WE don't want our government to be run by lobbyists.  WE would like to have a say in the entire process. This is why WE don't wait around to vote every other year (or the four years it takes to elect a President.)

WE have shown this country that WE have a voice. WE know there is a risk with every roll of the dice but WE understand the chances we have in this game. This is why WE are stronger than all the media, the Democrats and he Republicans, and all the corporations that WE deem unfit to control our lives.

WE are the United States of America so let’s make it happen.

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