Friday, January 6, 2012

Apathy: The Bad Habit to Quit in the New Year

The year 2011 came and went, with many absurdities, and gave birth to 2012. Faced with a presidential election, the end of the world, and on-going debt crisis, we struggle to believe that the next 365 days will get any less crazy. We can only hope and pray that this year will bring us to some sort of resolution. But like many of the goals we make in January, we soon realize that they are easier to break than hold true to.

In the first six days of 2012 we have not seen much change in the "psycho" factor that we have grown accustomed to. Politicians are still playing politics, and the apathetic are still being apathetic; not considering the fact that their voices could actually make the difference. We still hold the Kardashians on a higher level than we hold ourselves, and until that changes, we can know certainly that we will still have our Thanksgiving dinner at the kids table. The grown-ups on the other side of the room are deciding for you where their going to spend your money, and just so you know, its not where you would fork-over your allowance.

We all sit here on our sides and judge what our leaders are doing. We say, "Barack Obama is killing this country" or "The Republicans are a bunch of phoneys", when we should be telling ourselves, " I have the power to make something happen in the United States." You should never let anyone tell you that your opinions are irrelevant. There is, in fact, a legitimate reason for government. It is for the people to decide when businesses or organizations are screwing over the nation. That's when our elected leaders are supposed to come in and take some sort of action. The sad part about today's officials, is that they work on the same side as the one's we are trying to protect ourselves from.

I honestly can not tell you what my goals  for this upcoming twelve months. Just the thought of it is a little bit overwhelming. Personally, I can say that I have an amazing woman who I am going to marry in June, and an album that I will be working on until then. However, I'm not worried about me. I'm trying to look out for you. We need to take care of ourselves but we also need to be concerned with everyone who surrounds us. You never bite the hand that feeds you and I'm hoping you wouldn't serve the one's you feed with poison.

Some say that 2012 will mark the end of the world based on a Mayan calendar that was created millenniums ago. I'd like to think that this is a start of something new. We are finally starting to open our eyes, and we do understand that we are the greatest threat to this Earth.  And, just like our family, whom you can love or hate, we still need to look out for each other.

1 comment:

  1. Empathy, I really believe that it's the one thing we're all missing. Citing that something is scarey to you is not a legitimate reason to stick your head in the sand! Also, it's so funny u mentioned them but, here's Wil Wheaton's take on the Kardashians -- so true:
